
08 March 2009

Blogging Tips : 5 Plugins to Keep WordPress Secure

This is a guest post by Mr. I.

Some days ago a reader asked Daniel for advice when his blog got hacked. Daniel recommended some good security measures to keep WordPress safe. In case you missed it, read the post here: What if my WordPress Blog Got Hacked with the Google Redirect?

I applied the security measures that Daniel suggested and also searched for plugins that could help.

The following are the plugins I found that can make WordPress more secure.

1. Limit Login Attempts : This plugin blocks a user for 20 minutes after he enters wrong password 4 times (default values, can be changed). It is good way to avoid Brute Force attack .

2. Sabre :If you own a WordPress powered blog where users can register freely and see a lot of fake registrations, this plugin can stop fake user registration by bots. It can add image verification or math test to registration process among other measures to make sure fake users are not created.

3. Semisecure Login : This plugin increases the security of login process by using a public key to encrypt the password on client side. The server side then decrypts the password using the private key. Requires Javascript and PHP.

4. Bad Behavior : It checks the visitor’s IP against Project Honey Pot Database to see if it’s a spammer’s. If malicious, it can block that IP from accessing your blog.

5. Secure WordPress : This plugin keeps your WordPress installation secure with the help of little functions. It hides information regarding your WordPress version from non-administrators and plugin directory from visitors by dropping a blank index.php file.

All of these are Wordpress 2.7 compatible.

Further reading: 3 Must Apply Security Tips for WordPress by Daniel.

Do not forget to share your plugins/tips that can make WordPress more secure.

Mr. I is a co-founder and one of the lead writers at Blogging With Success. If you liked this post, check out 50 Must Have WordPress Plugins for WordPress 2.7 by him.

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