
29 September 2009

4 Ways To Promote Your Blog Offline

I invite you to all take a look at your marketing efforts. I am guessing that most of you are dedicating 100% of your marketing time and resources to promoting your blog online.

While this makes sense since it is easier for someone to access your blog from an online advertisement or link, I think that all of you should also try to promoting your blogs offline as well. Offline marketing tactics might not drive as much traffic as an online marketing campaign, but they will prove to be a very cost-effective way to build credibility.

Here are a few efficient offline marketing tactics I have used to promote my various blogs.

1. Business Cards

For anyone to take you seriously, you need to have a business card. Bloggers are not exempt. Having a business card is a great way to introduce people you meet in day-to-day life about your blogging activity. Business cards are also very inexpensive to purchase with most costing less than 1 cent per card.

2. Industry Events

One great way to promote your blog in your niche is to attend industry events. This allows you to share your blog with a number of individuals who are interested in its subject matter. It is also a great way to associate yourself with authorities in your niche. Make sure to bring business cards and other swag (T-Shirts, pens, etc.) to make an impression on potential readers and partners.

3. Newspapers and Local Publications

While newspapers may be a dying industry, they are still very well respected and having your blog covered in the daily news is a fantastic free way to build credibility online. It may be a bit difficult to get the Wall Street Journal to pick up the story, but you should fare better with more local papers. Create a unique story angle on your blog and e-mail it along with a press release to journalists. In addition, getting a story published in the press also means seeing that story online with a direct link to your blog,

4. Readers Meet-up

If you have a substantial local reader base or live in a large metropolis, hold an official gathering for readers and people interested in your niche. It doesn’t have to be anything more than a casual get together to simply talk about the industry. This is a great way to strengthen the bond of your community and find new local readers. You can choose to hold these meetings at your home or at a more local and convenient location such as a restaurant, coffee shop, or even park.


These four tactics are just a few of the different offline marketing strategies you can deploy. In addition, you can always purchase advertisements, pass out flyers and pamphlets, sponsor local/industry events and so on. However, the four tactics listed above are largely free or very inexpensive and I have found them to be the most effective way to build to credibility.

A key element of successful offline marketing is building personal relationships. Meeting people in the real world as opposed to online allows for a much greater level of interaction and gives you the ability to develop a substantial relationship with your readers. This is something you definitely want to use to your advantage.

1 comment:

theiratedog said...

I'd never thought about this before. It's a good idea, I think I would wait until I was semi-professional to do it though, otherwise people would arrive, see the non professionalism and that would give me bad publicity.

I'm in the middle of a writing course now, so hopefully my writing will improve over time!